Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Creating a Virtual Walkthrough of Your Event

In this ever-changing world of technology, Puff ‘n Stuff Catering is striving to bring everything we can possibly offer to better suit our clients' needs. We try daily to stay one step ahead of the curve. Our team is currently working with software developers from across the nation to offer the cutting edge in modern technology. Imagine building your special event from the bottom up and having the ability to do a complete 3-D virtual walkthrough that consists of linen colors, buffets, bars, dance floors, stages, table setups, centerpieces, etc. This little treasure should be available early next year.

Having the ability to do a scaled diagram of our venues has proven itself to be a valuable tool, both for our clients and for our staff. It allows us to create the event from an overhead perspective, complete with placement of everything we need to make the party memorable. It’s very easy to see the big picture once everything is in place. Now, let’s take that a step further.

Once your diagram is complete, let’s take it the extra mile. We put ourselves in the guest perspective and do a virtual tour of your event. You even have the option of the path in which to take. Maybe while doing the virtual walkthrough, you realize that you don’t care for the linen color that you have selected. No problem at all to fix. We make the necessary changes and see if we like it. You can literally walk through your event years before it ever happens. There’s no more “I wonder ifs.”

I have been technology's biggest fan for years - from owning a Commodore-64 to a reversible HD projection screen on a 5’ x 6’ porch/bedroom window. I am a happy camper to be involved in putting this project together. To help create a program that truly makes a difference is rewarding. Technology and hospitality have managed to unite for me and for that I am grateful.

~No imagination~
~No place for change~
~Know imagination~
~Know time to change~

Scott Foley, Operations Supervisor

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